Succes story
Hyrock was founded 2018 by Alessandro Carroccia and a small team of experienced mortgage specialists. As an independent boutique, Hyrock is clearly focused on sophisticated real estate financing and emphasises personalised advice. This requires expertise and years of professional knowledge. Today, the team consists of 20 proven experts in Zurich, Schindellegi and Geneva.
CHF 3'911 Mio.
advised & placed
CHF 1'069 Mio.
advised & placed
non traditional
in Switzerland
Million CHF
Ø mortgage
Real estate
on the terraces
in the fleet
Bottles of wine
in the cellar
Hotel room
in the office

The key milestones
2023 – CHF 918 million in mortgages placed and new Market Head in Geneva
Hyrock successfully concluded 2023, a difficult year for the property sector, and in Geneva Nicholas Carnahan took over responsibility for Western Switzerland as Market Head Geneva. In addition, the new office at Rue du Mont-Blanc 12 was officially opened in June 2023.
2022 – CHF 1'052 million in mortgages placed and management team expanded
With strong growth in all three business segments, more than CHF 1 billion in mortgages were again placed. In addition, the expertise in the management team was expanded with Thomas Hilpert and Andreas Hitz.
2021 – CHF 1’047 million in mortgages placed and new headquarters opening
More than CHF 1 billion in mortgages were placed for the first time, including CHF 288 million in non-traditional loans such as bridge loans and mezzanine loans. Due to further growth, Hyrock opened an additional location in Schindellegi, which also serves as the head office.
2020 – 850 million Swiss francs in mortgages placed and four new partners appointed
With strong growth in all business areas, Hyrock was able to successfully implement its strategy in 2020. In the area of mortgage advisory services, the volume of mortgages placed reached 850 million Swiss francs. In addition, four proven specialists were appointed as partners.
2019 – Strong growth and new services
Mortgage advisory and brokerage grew very strongly and has already reached a volume of CHF 650 million in 2019. Additional services were requested and offered (including mortgage investment).
2018 – Establishment
Hyrock has been advising sophisticated private and institutional clients in Zurich and Geneva since October 2018. The demand for independent real estate financing expertise with a performance-based fee model has been extremely high from the start.
«We put our customers first. We understand their needs and offer tailor-made solutions. Our personal goal is to optimise customer experience and to extend support through all elements of the mortgage life-cycle.»