Key figures
- Mortgage volume in excess of CHF 20 million (net LTV of 83.9%)
- 69.7% LTV as a senior / junior mortgage loan via a traditional mortgage provider
- 14.2% LTV as a mezzanine tranche via a non-traditional investment vehicle
- Average mortgage interest rate of 2.06% p.a.
Mandate and solution
Hyrock was mandated to arrange the maximum mortgage financing in order to obtain the required investment capital for the realisation of the ambitious and demanding project. The project's aim is to fully renovate and partially convert an existing commercial building into a modern, technology-enabled property, allowing automated communication channels between landlord and tenants.

Your advantages with Hyrock
- Understanding the specific and challenging needs of highly sophisticated institutional clients
- Access to all the major lenders, including non-traditional lenders such as funds, pension funds, insurance companies and other investment vehicles
- Knowing and understanding the entire real estate and mortgage market in Switzerland
- Knowledge of the necessary regulatory framework